Clear Fixed Outside Braces


Professor Johal uses ceramic clear outside fixed braces, which include Clarity,© braces. They work on exactly the same principle of outside traditional metal fixed braces and use a series of wires to straighten the teeth, in a gradual, controlled and progressive manner.

Professor Johal further improves the look of the brace by using tooth-coloured wires and elastics [used to hold the wires in place].They remain the most common form of fixed brace to be used in adults and have been successfully used to treat thousands of patients world-wide. Professor Johal reports these braces offer the most OPTIMAL result, with greater control over individual tooth movements, in contrast to both removable clear aligner and inside fixed braces. As such, these ceramic [clear] outside fixed braces remain the most versatile brace in the type of tooth movement and bite corrections that can be achieved.

They have no negative effects on speech and as they are fixed to the teeth, achieve the shortest treatment times. They are associated with minimal discomfort and rubbing, whilst the patient learns to adapt to them [1-3 days]. Again, Professor Johal will make every effort to minimise these effects and advise you accordingly.