Snoring & sleep apnoea - a role for the GDP

Professor Johal is one of the leading clinicians in the UK on the use of mandibular advancement splints for snoring and sleep apnoea. In his seminar, he covers current advice from GDC, DDU and Dental Protection regarding the provision of anti-snoring devices, as well as:

This course offers you:

  • Background knowledge of sleep related breathing disorders associated with snoring

  • Screening methods for assessing sleep breathing disorders in accordance with Dental Protection Ltd requirements

  • Clinical skills to prescribe Mandibular Advancement Appliances

  • Clinical review of Mandibular Advancement Splints - including the most effective!

Course attendee feedback:

Dr Graham Hooper, “In 30 years of attending post-graduate seminars, this speaker (Professor Johal) is the best that I have heard.”

Dr Komal Suri “...this was an extremely informative and enjoyable programme. I feel confident that I can offer my patients proper treatment.”

Dr Neil Appleby, BDS General Practitioner and former Hon. Sec Lincoln BDA, "I found the course very interesting, well put together and very informative. From knowing very little about the subject, I now have an understanding that allows me to make better-informed decisions when treating patients. This has opened up a new avenue of treatment that benefits both the patient and me."

Dr Catherine MacDonald “Very impressed. Not only by the course and presentation, but also with the research/dedication involved and, ultimately, the package and service on offer.”

Dr Sarah Nicholas of Castle Dental Practice in Knaresborough “The course content was great and included everything I needed to implement the treatment confidently in practice. I was delighted that the course wasn’t rushed, but was well covered and thorough. It wasn’t a hurried day that left me with unanswered questions. Matt and Neil from S4S provided excellent, professional technical and clinical advice. I have ordered more posters for the practice and will run a campaign on the appliance for the next six months. Their approachable and supportive advice made it easier for me to introduce this type of treatment into the practice.”

Dr Sahir Kara of Envisage Dental Practice in Emsworth, Hants "The day was smoothly delivered, relevant and succinct, and I left feeling as though I'd got real value for money. Ama's presentation was well-structured and appropriate to the audience of general practitioners, considering the subject matter was slightly ‘foreign’ and not specifically about teeth for a change. Above all, the whole team was approachable and there was plenty of opportunity to get ‘hands-on’ with the splints and get real-world answers from a technician's perspective. The course content was brilliantly thought through. I came away feeling as though I could easily apply what we’d learnt to our practice the following Monday morning."



"Professor Johal has carried out extensive research to investigate the effect of treating obstructive sleep apnoea using mandibular advancement splints. He is a leading UK authority in his field. His research continues to make a significant contribution to our understanding of the treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea using dental devices." - “Mary J. Morrell, Phd Senior Lecturer at the Welcome Trust University Fellow National Heart and Lung Institute